Removing A Topic From Your Website

Removing A Topic From Your Website

A topic previously added from the Content Library to your website can be removed. It can be replaced with another topic, or added back to your website at any time.

How to Remove a Topic from Your Website

  • Click Control Panel
  • Click Design Elements
  • Click Menus & Pages
  • Scroll to the page to be deleted
  • Click on the Settings
  • Click on Remove
  • Click Save
  • Click Close

Alternate Method

  • Click Control Panel
  • Click Content Library
  • Click Patient Education Library
  • On the right side, under the section Added Topics, is the list of topics you have added to your website. A saved page will have an asterisk (*) next to the topic’s title.
  • Click X next to the topic in the Added Topics screen to remove the topic
  • Click Save
  • Click Close

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